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2014-03-17 09:58 来源:经济参考报 字号:       转发 打印

  The Federal D eposit InsuranceCorp. has sued 16 big banks that seta key globalinterest rate,accusing themof fraud and conspiring to keep the ratelowto enrich them selves.

  美国联邦储蓄保险公司(FD IC)已对参与设定一项关键全球利率的16家大型银行提起诉讼,指控其通过欺诈和串通手段将利率保持在低水平,从而为自身牟利。(美联社)

  The banks,which include Bank ofA m ericaCorp.,CitigroupInc. andJPM organChase& Co. inthe U .S.,are am ongthe w orld’s largest. Thecivil lawsuit was filed Friday in federalcourt in M anhattan.

  这些银行位居全世界最大银行之列,其中包括美国银行、花旗银行、摩根大通银行等。FD IC于14日向曼哈顿联邦法院提起民事诉讼。(美联社)

  The banks riggedtheLondoninterbank offered rate,or LIBO R,fromA ugust 2007 to at least m id-2011,theFD IC alleged. T heLIBO R affectstrillions of dollars incontracts aroundthe w orld,including m ortgages,bondsand consum er loans. A British bankingtrade groupsets theLIBO R everym orning after the 16 internationalbankssubm it estim ates of w hat it costs themto borrow . The FD IC also sued thattrade group,the British Bankers’A sso-ciation.

  FD IC称,从2007年8月至最早2011年年中,这些银行操纵了伦敦 银 行 间 同 业 拆 借 利 率 ,又 称LIBO R。LIBO R影响到全世界上万亿美元的合同契约,包括抵押贷款、债券和消费贷款。一家名为英国银行家协会的银行业交易组织根据这16家跨国银行提交的借贷成本预估值来确定每天的LIB O R。FD IC也对该组织提起了诉讼。(美联社)

  The FDICalleged banks artificiallyincreased the prices they charged andm argins they earned by subm itting andpublishing interbank lending rates de-term ined by collusion instead of com pe-tition. Suchactioncausedsubstantiallosses to38banks that ultim atelyfailed,the regulator said.

  FD IC声称,这些大银行通过合谋而非竞争来决定银行间拆借利率,并借此人为地提高价格、增加利润。该机构称,这一行为导致38家银行遭受重大损失并最终破产。(《华尔街日报》)

  T he agencysuedonbehalf ofbanks suchas W ashingtonM utualInc.andIndyM acB ancorpInc.,claim ing thefirm spaid higherprices because of the collusion,ac-cordingtothe law suit.

  FD IC代表华盛顿互惠银行和印地麦克银行等银行提起此次诉讼。FD IC在诉讼状中称,利率操纵案使得这些银行付出了更高的成本。(《华尔街日报》)

  B arclays,R oyalB ank ofScotland,Sw issbanking giantU BS,N etherlands-basedR abobankandICA P,the w orld’s largest in-ter-dealer broker,collectivelyhavebeenfined $3.6billionbyU .S .,B ritish and otherregulatorsinconnectionw iththe probe.


  F uturelaw suitsarelikelygiventheexpansionof theglobalinvestigationintoforeignexchangetrading,addingtothevast litiga-tionburdenafflictingm anyof thew orld’s bigbanks.


  (廖冰清 编译)

[责任编辑: 杨丽]

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